What’s the first game that jumps into your head when you hear the word ‘classic’? If you go back to the PC heyday of the early and mid ‘90s, Civilization, SimCity, Fallout, Doom, and Myst might be some of the names that come to mind. Over the last decade or so, Skyrim, Cyberpunk 2077, and Baldur’s Gate 3 have become some of the biggest contemporary hits. The legacies of some games last forever. Others are lost to time. And then there’s a middle-ground third category, games you perhaps haven’t thought about in many, many years, but should they resurface, spark a sudden wave of nostalgia. Originally launched all the way back in 1982, and followed by an underplayed sequel in 2005, one erstwhile classic is making a comeback, in a new Metroidvania game you can play soon.
MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best Metroidvania games, Best roguelike games, Best upcoming PC gamesPosted from: this blog via Microsoft Power Automate.