Best Fallout 4 builds

Best Fallout 4 builds

What are the best Fallout 4 builds? The wasteland is a tough place to exist. It doesn’t matter if you’re a veteran of the RPG or you’re coming fresh from the Fallout TV series, it pays to know the most powerful builds for your character so that you can survive against near-impossible odds, and thrive in the post-apocalypse.

There is no one way to play this RPG game. Each character is a beautiful, horrible snowflake; it’s tough out there, and you’ve got to do whatever it takes to survive. Some people want to be a walking juggernaut, decimating anything in their path, while others (us) opt for a more… devious approach, swindling their way across the wasteland. You can be who you want to be in Fallout 4, but just in case you need a little inspiration, here are our picks for the best builds.

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