Fallout 4 on Steam Deck is now officially Verified after the new 'next-gen' update, but frustratingly performance on the Valve handheld is now decidedly worse, the graphical options are now inaccessible, and crashes are more frequent. This isn't the first example of a game getting worse on Steam Deck as its rating improves, but there are now some major questions that Valve needs to answer or risk its rating system falling entirely into chaos.
While the Steam Deck OLED is still our pick for the best handheld gaming PC, it's also the model of the Deck most impacted by this new Fallout 4 update. The most obvious 'improvement' is the removal of the Bethesda launcher, but this gave you the only way to adjust the graphical settings, meaning it's now impossible to make any changes at all.
Posted from: this blog via Microsoft Power Automate.