What is the next Dead by Daylight Chapter? New chapters arrive in Dead by Daylight every three months, and it can be difficult to keep up with the new characters, maps, and more. Luckily, these updates arrive on a fairly rigid schedule, so we can usually look forward to the next DBD chapter before we even know what it is.
With so much additional content, it’s incredible that Behaviour Interactive is able to come up with new perks and powers for the latest DBD killers and survivors. The last Dead by Daylight character to enter The Fog was the gruesomely gorgeous Houndmaster and her pet dog, Snug. Joining them was Taurie Cain, the first Scottish survivor in the horror game. Next, a licensed killer arrives alone, with the DBD FNAF update to follow this summer. Here's everything we know about the next DBD updates and PTBs.
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